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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.207
The editorial in the January 1992 issue of Optical Engineering (v. 31
no. 1) details how Playboy has finally caught on to the fact that
their copyright on Lenna Sjooblom's photo is being widely infringed.
It sounds as if you will have to get permission from Playboy to
publish it in the future.
Note on the CCITT test images, by Robert Estes <estes@eecs.ucdavis.edu>:
The ccitt files are in ftp.ipl.rpi.edu:/image-archive/bitmap/ccitt.
They are named ccitt-n.ras.Z where n goes from 1 to 8. Each file has
an accompanying doc file called ccitt-n.ras.doc which describes the image
file. Here's the doc file for ccitt-1.ras:
Name ccitt-1.ras
Size 1728 x 2376 x 1
Type 1 bit standard format sun rasterfile
Keywords binary standard image 1 bit fax
One of eight images from the standard binary CCITT test image set.
This set is commonly used to compare binary image compression
techniques. The images are are 1728x2376 pixels.
Subject: [56] I am looking for a message digest algorithm
Look on the ftp site rsa.com, in directory /pub. MD4 and MD5 are there.
This question would be more appropriate on sci.crypt.
End of part 1 of the comp.compression faq.
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From: jloup@chorus.fr (Jean-loup Gailly)
Newsgroups: comp.compression,news.answers
Subject: comp.compression Frequently Asked Questions (part 2/2)
Keywords: data compression, FAQ
Message-ID: <compr2_29oct92@chorus.fr>
Date: 30 Oct 92 13:11:19 GMT
Expires: 10 Dec 92 16:17:20 GMT
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Archive-name: compression-faq/part2
Last-modified: Oct 2nd, 1992
This file is part 2 of a set of Frequently Asked Questions for the
groups comp.compression and comp.compression.research.
If you don't want to see this FAQ regularly, please add the subject
line to your kill file. If you have corrections or suggestions for
this FAQ, send them to Jean-loup Gailly <jloup@chorus.fr>. Thank you.
(Long) introductions to data compression techniques
[70] Introduction to data compression (long)
Huffman and Related Compression Techniques
Arithmetic Coding
Substitutional Compressors
The LZ78 family of compressors
The LZ77 family of compressors
[71] Introduction to MPEG (long)
What is MPEG?
Does it have anything to do with JPEG?
Then what's JBIG and MHEG?
What has MPEG accomplished?
So how does MPEG I work?
What about the audio compression?
So how much does it compress?
What's phase II?
When will all this be finished?
How do I join MPEG?
How do I get the documents, like the MPEG I draft?
[72] What is wavelet theory?
[73] What is the theoretical compression limit?
[74] Introduction to JBIG
[99] Acknowledgments
Search for "Subject: [#]" to get to question number # quickly. Some news
readers can also take advantage of the message digest format used here.
Subject: [70] Introduction to data compression (long)
Written by Peter Gutmann <pgut1@cs.aukuni.ac.nz>.
Huffman and Related Compression Techniques
*Huffman compression* is a statistical data compression technique which
gives a reduction in the average code length used to represent the symbols of
a alphabet. The Huffman code is an example of a code which is optimal in the
case where all symbols probabilities are integral powers of 1/2. A Huffman
code can be built in the following manner:
(1) Rank all symbols in order of probability of occurrence.
(2) Successively combine the two symbols of the lowest probability to form
a new composite symbol; eventually we will build a binary tree where
each node is the probability of all nodes beneath it.
(3) Trace a path to each leaf, noticing the direction at each node.
For a given frequency distribution, there are many possible Huffman codes,
but the total compressed length will be the same. It is possible to
define a 'canonical' Huffman tree, that is, pick one of these alternative
trees. Such a canonical tree can then be represented very compactly, by
transmitting only the bit length of each code. This technique is used
in most archivers (pkzip, lha, zoo, arj, ...).
A technique related to Huffman coding is *Shannon-Fano coding*, which was
suggested by Shannon and Weaver in 1949 and modified by Fano in 1961. It
works as follows:
(1) Divide the set of symbols into two equal or almost equal subsets
based on the probability of occurrence of characters in each
subset. The first subset is assigned a binary zero, the second
a binary one.
(2) Repeat step (1) until all subsets have a single element.
The algorithm used to create the Huffman codes is bottom-up, and the
one for the Shannon-Fano codes is top-down. Huffman encoding always
generates optimal codes, Shannon-Fano sometimes uses a few more bits.
Arithmetic Coding
It would appear that Huffman or Shannon-Fano coding is the perfect
means of compressing data. However, this is *not* the case. As
mentioned above, these coding methods are optimal when and only when
the symbol probabilities are integral powers of 1/2, which is usually
not the case.
The technique of *arithmetic coding* does not have this restriction:
It achieves the same effect as treating the message as one single unit
(a technique which would, for Huffman coding, require enumeration of
every single possible message), and thus attains the theoretical
entropy bound to compression efficiency for any source.
Arithmetic coding works by representing a number by an interval of real
numbers between 0 and 1. As the message becomes longer, the interval needed
to represent it becomes smaller and smaller, and the number of bits needed to
specify that interval increases. Successive symbols in the message reduce
this interval in accordance with the probability of that symbol. The more
likely symbols reduce the range by less, and thus add fewer bits to the
1 Codewords
+-----------+-----------+-----------+ /-----\
| |8/9 YY | Detail |<- 31/32 .11111
| +-----------+-----------+<- 15/16 .1111
| Y | | too small |<- 14/16 .1110
|2/3 | YX | for text |<- 6/8 .110
| | |16/27 XYY |<- 10/16 .1010
| | +-----------+
| | XY | |
| | | XYX |<- 4/8 .100
| |4/9 | |
| +-----------+-----------+
| | | |
| X | | XXY |<- 3/8 .011
| | |8/27 |
| | +-----------+
| | XX | |
| | | |<- 1/4 .01
| | | XXX |
| | | |
|0 | | |
As an example of arithmetic coding, lets consider the example of two
symbols X and Y, of probabilities 0.66 and 0.33. To encode this message, we
examine the first symbol: If it is a X, we choose the lower partition; if
it is a Y, we choose the upper partition. Continuing in this manner for
three symbols, we get the codewords shown to the right of the diagram above
- they can be found by simply taking an appropriate location in the
interval for that particular set of symbols and turning it into a binary
fraction. In practice, it is also necessary to add a special end-of-data
symbol, which is not represented in this simpe example.
In this case the arithmetic code is not completely efficient, which is due
to the shortness of the message - with longer messages the coding efficiency
does indeed approach 100%.
Now that we have an efficient encoding technique, what can we do with it?
What we need is a technique for building a model of the data which we can
then use with the encoder. The simplest model is a fixed one, for example a
table of standard letter frequencies for English text which we can then use
to get letter probabilities. An improvement on this technique is to use an
*adaptive model*, in other words a model which adjusts itself to the data
which is being compressed as the data is compressed. We can convert the
fixed model into an adaptive one by adjusting the symbol frequencies after
each new symbol is encoded, allowing the model to track the data being
transmitted. However, we can do much better than that.
Using the symbol probabilities by themselves is not a particularly good
estimate of the true entropy of the data: We can take into account
intersymbol probabilities as well. The best compressors available today
take this approach: DMC (Dynamic Markov Coding) starts with a zero-order
Markov model and gradually extends this initial model as compression
progresses; PPM (Prediction by Partial Matching) looks for a match of the
text to be compressed in an order-n context. If no match is found, it
drops to an order n-1 context, until it reaches order 0. Both these
techniques thus obtain a much better model of the data to be compressed,
which, combined with the use of arithmetic coding, results in superior
compression performance.
So if arithmetic coding-based compressors are so powerful, why are they not
used universally? Apart from the fact that they are relatively new and
haven't come into general use too much yet, there is also one major concern:
The fact that they consume rather large amounts of computing resources, both
in terms of CPU power and memory. The building of sophisticated models for
the compression can chew through a fair amount of memory (especially in the
case of DMC, where the model can grow without bounds); and the arithmetic
coding itself involves a fair amount of number crunching.
There is however an alternative approach, a class of compressors generally
referred to as *substitutional* or *dictionary-based compressors*.
Substitutional Compressors
The basic idea behind a substitutional compressor is to replace an
occurrence of a particular phrase or group of bytes in a piece of data with a
reference to a previous occurrence of that phrase. There are two main
classes of schemes, named after Jakob Ziv and Abraham Lempel, who first
proposed them in 1977 and 1978.
<The LZ78 family of compressors>
LZ78-based schemes work by entering phrases into a *dictionary* and then,
when a repeat occurrence of that particular phrase is found, outputting the
dictionary index instead of the phrase. There exist several compression
algorithms based on this principle, differing mainly in the manner in which
they manage the dictionary. The most well-known scheme (in fact the most
well-known of all the Lempel-Ziv compressors, the one which is generally (and
mistakenly) referred to as "Lempel-Ziv Compression"), is Terry Welch's LZW
scheme, which he designed in 1984 for implementation in hardware for high-
performance disk controllers.
Input string: /WED/WE/WEE/WEB
Character input: Code output: New code value and associated string:
/W / 256 = /W
E W 257 = WE
D E 258 = ED
/ D 259 = D/
WE 256 260 = /WE
/ E 261 = E/
WEE 260 262 = /WEE
/W 261 263 = E/W
EB 257 264 = WEB
LZW starts with a 4K dictionary, of which entries 0-255 refer to individual
bytes, and entries 256-4095 refer to substrings. Each time a new code is
generated it means a new string has been parsed. New strings are generated
by appending the current character K to the end of an existing string w. The
algorithm for LZW compression is as follows:
set w = NIL
read a character K
if wK exists is in the dictionary
w = wK
output the code for w
add wK to the string table
w = K
A sample run of LZW over a (highly redundant) input string can be seen in
the diagram above. The strings are built up character-by-character starting
with a code value of 256. LZW decompression takes the stream of codes and
uses it to exactly recreate the original input data. Just like the
compression algorithm, the decompressor adds a new string to the dictionary
each time it reads in a new code. All it needs to do in addition is to
translate each incoming code into a string and send it to the output. A
sample run of the LZW decompressor is shown in below.
Input code: /WED<256>E<260><261><257>B
Input code: Output string: New code value and associated string:
/ /
W W 256 = /W
E E 257 = WE
D D 258 = ED
256 /W 259 = D/
E E 260 = /WE
260 /WE 261 = E/
261 E/ 262 = /WEE
257 WE 263 = E/W
B B 264 = WEB
The most remarkable feature of this type of compression is that the entire
dictionary has been transmitted to the decoder without actually explicitly
transmitting the dictionary. At the end of the run, the decoder will have a
dictionary identical to the one the encoder has, built up entirely as part of
the decoding process.
LZW is more commonly encountered today in a variant known as LZC, after
its use in the UNIX "compress" program. In this variant, pointers do not
have a fixed length. Rather, they start with a length of 9 bits, and then
slowly grow to their maximum possible length once all the pointers of a
particular size have been used up. Furthermore, the dictionary is not frozen
once it is full as for LZW - the program continually monitors compression
performance, and once this starts decreasing the entire dictionary is
discarded and rebuilt from scratch. More recent schemes use some sort of
least-recently-used algorithm to discard little-used phrases once the
dictionary becomes full rather than throwing away the entire dictionary.
Finally, not all schemes build up the dictionary by adding a single new
character to the end of the current phrase. An alternative technique is to
concatenate the previous two phrases (LZMW), which results in a faster
buildup of longer phrases than the character-by-character buildup of the
other methods. The disadvantage of this method is that a more sophisticated
data structure is needed to handle the dictionary.
[A good introduction to LZW, MW, AP and Y coding is given in the yabba
package. For ftp information, see question 2 in part one, file type .Y]
<The LZ77 family of compressors>
LZ77-based schemes keep track of the last n bytes of data seen, and when a
phrase is encountered that has already been seen, they output a pair of
values corresponding to the position of the phrase in the previously-seen
buffer of data, and the length of the phrase. In effect the compressor moves
a fixed-size *window* over the data (generally referred to as a *sliding
window*), with the position part of the (position, length) pair referring to
the position of the phrase within the window. The most commonly used
algorithms are derived from the LZSS scheme described by James Storer and
Thomas Szymanski in 1982. In this the compressor maintains a window of size
N bytes and a *lookahead buffer* the contents of which it tries to find a
match for in the window:
while( lookAheadBuffer not empty )
get a pointer ( position, match ) to the longest match in the window
for the lookahead buffer;
output a ( position, length ) pair;
shift the window length characters along;
output the first character in the lookahead buffer;
shift the window 1 character along;
Decompression is simple and fast: Whenever a ( position, length ) pair is
encountered, go to that ( position ) in the window and copy ( length ) bytes
to the output.
Sliding-window-based schemes can be simplified by numbering the input text
characters mod N, in effect creating a circular buffer. The sliding window
approach automatically creates the LRU effect which must be done explicitly in
LZ78 schemes. Variants of this method apply additional compression to the
output of the LZSS compressor, which include a simple variable-length code
(LZB), dynamic Huffman coding (LZH), and Shannon-Fano coding (ZIP 1.x)), all
of which result in a certain degree of improvement over the basic scheme,
especially when the data are rather random and the LZSS compressor has little
Recently an algorithm was developed which combines the ideas behind LZ77 and
LZ78 to produce a hybrid called LZFG. LZFG uses the standard sliding window,
but stores the data in a modified trie data structure and produces as output
the position of the text in the trie. Since LZFG only inserts complete
*phrases* into the dictionary, it should run faster than other LZ77-based
All popular archivers (arj, lha, zip, zoo) are variations on the LZ77 theme.
Subject: [71] Introduction to MPEG (long)
Written by Mark Adler <madler@cco.caltech.edu>.
Q. What is MPEG?
A. MPEG is a group of people that meet under ISO (the International
Standards Organization) to generate standards for digital video
(sequences of images in time) and audio compression. In particular,
they define a compressed bit stream, which implicitly defines a
decompressor. However, the compression algorithms are up to the
individual manufacturers, and that is where proprietary advantage
is obtained within the scope of a publicly available international
standard. MPEG meets roughly four times a year for roughly a week
each time. In between meetings, a great deal of work is done by
the members, so it doesn't all happen at the meetings. The work
is organized and planned at the meetings.
Q. So what does MPEG stand for?
A. Moving Pictures Experts Group.
Q. Does it have anything to do with JPEG?
A. Well, it sounds the same, and they are part of the same subcommittee
of ISO along with JBIG and MHEG, and they usually meet at the same
place at the same time. However, they are different sets of people
with few or no common individual members, and they have different
charters and requirements. JPEG is for still image compression.
Q. Then what's JBIG and MHEG?
A. Sorry I mentioned them. Ok, I'll simply say that JBIG is for binary
image compression (like faxes), and MHEG is for multi-media data
standards (like integrating stills, video, audio, text, etc.).
For an introduction to JBIG, see question 74 below.
Q. Ok, I'll stick to MPEG. What has MPEG accomplished?
A. So far (as of January 1992), they have completed the "Committee
Draft" of MPEG phase I, colloquially called MPEG I. It defines
a bit stream for compressed video and audio optimized to fit into
a bandwidth (data rate) of 1.5 Mbits/s. This rate is special
because it is the data rate of (uncompressed) audio CD's and DAT's.
The draft is in three parts, video, audio, and systems, where the
last part gives the integration of the audio and video streams
with the proper timestamping to allow synchronization of the two.
They have also gotten well into MPEG phase II, whose task is to
define a bitstream for video and audio coded at around 3 to 10
Q. So how does MPEG I work?
A. First off, it starts with a relatively low resolution video
sequence (possibly decimated from the original) of about 352 by
240 frames by 30 frames/s (US--different numbers for Europe),
but original high (CD) quality audio. The images are in color,
but converted to YUV space, and the two chrominance channels
(U and V) are decimated further to 176 by 120 pixels. It turns
out that you can get away with a lot less resolution in those
channels and not notice it, at least in "natural" (not computer
generated) images.
The basic scheme is to predict motion from frame to frame in the
temporal direction, and then to use DCT's (discrete cosine
transforms) to organize the redundancy in the spatial directions.
The DCT's are done on 8x8 blocks, and the motion prediction is
done in the luminance (Y) channel on 16x16 blocks. In other words,
given the 16x16 block in the current frame that you are trying to
code, you look for a close match to that block in a previous or
future frame (there are backward prediction modes where later
frames are sent first to allow interpolating between frames).
The DCT coefficients (of either the actual data, or the difference
between this block and the close match) are "quantized", which
means that you divide them by some value to drop bits off the
bottom end. Hopefully, many of the coefficients will then end up
being zero. The quantization can change for every "macroblock"
(a macroblock is 16x16 of Y and the corresponding 8x8's in both
U and V). The results of all of this, which include the DCT
coefficients, the motion vectors, and the quantization parameters
(and other stuff) is Huffman coded using fixed tables. The DCT
coefficients have a special Huffman table that is "two-dimensional"
in that one code specifies a run-length of zeros and the non-zero
value that ended the run. Also, the motion vectors and the DC
DCT components are DPCM (subtracted from the last one) coded.
Q. So is each frame predicted from the last frame?
A. No. The scheme is a little more complicated than that. There are
three types of coded frames. There are "I" or intra frames. They
are simply a frame coded as a still image, not using any past
history. You have to start somewhere. Then there are "P" or
predicted frames. They are predicted from the most recently
reconstructed I or P frame. (I'm describing this from the point
of view of the decompressor.) Each macroblock in a P frame can
either come with a vector and difference DCT coefficients for a
close match in the last I or P, or it can just be "intra" coded
(like in the I frames) if there was no good match.
Lastly, there are "B" or bidirectional frames. They are predicted
from the closest two I or P frames, one in the past and one in the
future. You search for matching blocks in those frames, and try
three different things to see which works best. (Now I have the
point of view of the compressor, just to confuse you.) You try using
the forward vector, the backward vector, and you try averaging the
two blocks from the future and past frames, and subtracting that from
the block being coded. If none of those work well, you can intra-
code the block.
The sequence of decoded frames usually goes like:
Where there are 12 frames from I to I (for US and Japan anyway.)
This is based on a random access requirement that you need a
starting point at least once every 0.4 seconds or so. The ratio
of P's to B's is based on experience.
Of course, for the decoder to work, you have to send that first
P *before* the first two B's, so the compressed data stream ends
up looking like:
where those are frame numbers. xx might be nothing (if this is
the true starting point), or it might be the B's of frames -2 and
-1 if we're in the middle of the stream somewhere.
You have to decode the I, then decode the P, keep both of those
in memory, and then decode the two B's. You probably display the
I while you're decoding the P, and display the B's as you're
decoding them, and then display the P as you're decoding the next
P, and so on.
Q. You've got to be kidding.
A. No, really!
Q. Hmm. Where did they get 352x240?
A. That derives from the CCIR-601 digital television standard which
is used by professional digital video equipment. It is (in the US)
720 by 243 by 60 fields (not frames) per second, where the fields
are interlaced when displayed. (It is important to note though
that fields are actually acquired and displayed a 60th of a second
apart.) The chrominance channels are 360 by 243 by 60 fields a
second, again interlaced. This degree of chrominance decimation
(2:1 in the horizontal direction) is called 4:2:2. The source
input format for MPEG I, called SIF, is CCIR-601 decimated by 2:1
in the horizontal direction, 2:1 in the time direction, and an
additional 2:1 in the chrominance vertical direction. And some
lines are cut off to make sure things divide by 8 or 16 where
Q. What if I'm in Europe?
A. For 50 Hz display standards (PAL, SECAM) change the number of lines
in a field from 243 or 240 to 288, and change the display rate to
50 fields/s or 25 frames/s. Similarly, change the 120 lines in
the decimated chrominance channels to 144 lines. Since 288*50 is
exactly equal to 240*60, the two formats have the same source data
Q. You didn't mention anything about the audio compression.
A. Oh, right. Well, I don't know as much about the audio compression.
Basically they use very carefully developed psychoacoustic models
derived from experiments with the best obtainable listeners to
pick out pieces of the sound that you can't hear. There are what
are called "masking" effects where, for example, a large component
at one frequency will prevent you from hearing lower energy parts
at nearby frequencies, where the relative energy vs. frequency
that is masked is described by some empirical curve. There are
similar temporal masking effects, as well as some more complicated
interactions where a temporal effect can unmask a frequency, and
The sound is broken up into spectral chunks with a hybrid scheme
that combines sine transforms with subband transforms, and the
psychoacoustic model written in terms of those chunks. Whatever
can be removed or reduced in precision is, and the remainder is
sent. It's a little more complicated than that, since the bits
have to be allocated across the bands. And, of course, what is
sent is entropy coded.
Q. So how much does it compress?
A. As I mentioned before, audio CD data rates are about 1.5 Mbits/s.
You can compress the same stereo program down to 256 Kbits/s with
no loss in discernable quality. (So they say. For the most part
it's true, but every once in a while a weird thing might happen
that you'll notice. However the effect is very small, and it takes
a listener trained to notice these particular types of effects.)
That's about 6:1 compression. So, a CD MPEG I stream would have
about 1.25 MBits/s left for video. The number I usually see though
is 1.15 MBits/s (maybe you need the rest for the system data
stream). You can then calculate the video compression ratio from
the numbers here to be about 26:1. If you step back and think
about that, it's little short of a miracle. Of course, it's lossy
compression, but it can be pretty hard sometimes to see the loss,
if you're comparing the SIF original to the SIF decompressed. There
is, however, a very noticeable loss if you're coming from CCIR-601
and have to decimate to SIF, but that's another matter. I'm not
counting that in the 26:1.